Key Terms

Story Specs

Story Specs are a combination of a User Story and Specifications/Acceptance Criteria.

A User Story might look something like:

As a User

I want to upload a photo as an avatar

So That other users can quickly recognize my content and contributions.

Specifications/Acceptance Criteria dig into the details a little more to help your team with understanding specific goals and best practices. Two example Acceptance Criteria would be:

AC1: Should accept .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .tiff file formats.

AC2: Should reject with friendly notification files that do not match whitelist.

A Story Spec is a grouping of the two.


These are the types of users using your product. We are keeping track of these behind the scenes for you.


These are teams with separate Role Based Access Control and Billing settings.


These are teams.


These are logical collections of Story Specs based on a given topic.

Last modified March 17, 2020: (c599eea)