
Here’s where your user finds out if your project is for them.

This page is a work in progress. If you hit a wall, reach out to support@hipspec.com.

HipSpec is an application to help your team align in building out foundational functionality in your products more easily.

We’ve analyzed hundreds of well build products to bring your developers, PM’s, BA’s and QA team members user stories, acceptance criteria and real world examples of features so that you have more bandwidth to make that secret sauce that delights your customers.

What is it?

  • Catalog of foundational user stories for software development teams
  • Analytics about the type of features your team is building

Why do I want it?

Help your user know if your project will help them. Useful information can include:

  • What is it good for?: Reducing meetings (planned and unplanned), rework and bugs.

  • What is it not good for?: We don’t build the software for you.

  • What is it not yet good for?: Actually, we might help you with that code some time in the future.

Where should I go next?

Last modified April 15, 2020: (4a7e601)